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미국) 미국 주택 지수 Housing market index

by Dr. Lena Kim 2020. 4. 16.



National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Housing Market Index (HMI) 

a gauge of builder opinion on the relative level of current and future single-family home sales. 

이번에 지난 리딩에서부터 42가 떨어져서 30으로 떨어졌는데, 역사상 한달안에 가장 많이 떨어진 기록.

“Before the pandemic hit, the housing market was showing signs of strength with January and February new home sales at their highest pace since the Great Recession,” said NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz.

하우징 수요 자체가 줄어들은 것이 아니고, 판데믹 때문에 바이어 트래픽이 줄은 것이므로, 코로나 상황이 나아지면 회복될 것으로 전망 



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